The Pool Will Be Closed in 2023
Pool Membership (Pass request) Form
Swimming Pool Registration Form
The pool season is Memorial Day through Labor Day; Pool will be closed during storms or as necessary to ensure the health and safety of members. The pay phone is for use by lifeguards and pool personnel in the performance of their duties, which takes precedence in all instances; guest use of the telephone is subject to limitation and restriction.
HOURS: 12:00 PM TO 8:00 PM daily
(except while school is in session when pool will be open at 4:00 PM weekdays)
The following pool rules apply to all members; no exceptions will be made. Additional rules are posted at the pool or will be distributed with pool passes. Violation of any rules may be cause for revocation of swimming pool privileges.
- No admittance in pool enclosure without a valid pool pass; guests must be accompanied by the seasonal pool member. All passes must be purchased by mail. NO PASSES MAY BE PURCHASED AT POOL.
- Members under 18 MUST have emergency contacts and phone numbers written on back of pass so parents can be reached.
- Pool staff may refuse admittance to anyone presenting a pool pass that is listed as revoked is illegible or otherwise appears questionable until verification of authenticity is received.
- All children under 12 MUST be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian; 12 through14 year olds will be admitted unattended only on passing a basic swim test and demonstrating sufficient maturity as determined by guards or pool staff. POOL STAFF ARE NOT SITTERS.
- No food, drinks, spitting or smoking permitted on the deck.
- No bicycles, glass containers or pets permitted in the pool enclosure.
- Excessive horseplay, uncivilized or potentially hazardous behavior, abusive language or failure to obey pool rules and staff requests are cause for expulsion from the pool regardless of age. Continued infractions will require Board hearing prior to re-admittance.
- Temporary or permanent revocation of pool privileges for individuals; guests or households will be enforced by the police if necessary. Fees are NOT refundable for revocation of pool passes.
- Non-swimmers are not permitted in deep end at any time; children over 7 are not permitted in the wading pool; children under 2 only are permitted in main pool during breaks when accompanied by parent.
- All children in wading pool MUST be supervised by parent or adult guardian at all times; children 2 and under must wear cloth diapers and plastic pants in pool; disposable diapers are permitted only if specifically designed for swimming.